Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Terrorist Group Planned to Lobby Barack Hussein Obama

During the Columbian Air Force raid on FARC (terrorist) over this past weekend at least a couple of laptops were grabbed. Columbia has been quick to provide the data from the laptops as it supports the view that FARC has been being supported financially by Hugo Chavez.

Today, though, I came across interesting information that has come out regarding FARC's plan to lobby Barack Hussein Obama.

According to a communiqué sent from Reyes, 48 hours before he became a corpse, the "Gringo" associates of FARC were scheduling a sit down with Barack Hussein Obama, to lobby him to communicate his "interest in discussing these topics" ("comunicara su interés en conversar estos temas"). The communiqué goes on to say that the "gringo" associates of FARC believe that Barak Hussein Obama will be the next President and that he will not support the "Plan Columbia" or the Columbia Free Trade agreement. Reyes says that he told the "gringo" associates that he is glad to meet with all governments but that he wants a "public announcement" that the US is willing to talk.

Does this indicate that Barack Hussein Obama has done anything wrong? No, but it raises questions that I personally would like answered.
Who are these "Gringo" (presumably "American") associates of FARC?
How do these "Gringo's" rate a "sit down" with a Presidential Candidate? Isn't that privilege usually that is reserved for big-time contributors?
Did the "Gringo's" make a campaign contribution? If so, how much? And where did the money come from?
Mr. Barrack Hussein Obama, did you know that you were being lobbied on behalf of terrorists? Or that a terrorist organization is wanting a sit-down?
Where is the main-stream media on this?

Digital copies of the documents from the Columbia Government can be found by scrolling through this linked page.

More Good Reading on this:
Stop The ACLU and Gribbit's Word

H/T- Ace


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