The basics are that so far, at least 8 Israeli Students at Mercaz Harav yeshiva were killed when two or possibly 3 terrorists dressed in jeans walked into the dining hall of the religious school and fired 300 to 500 rounds from an AK-47. Dozens have been wounded, some seriously. Most of the students that were attacked were high school aged.
At least one terrorist is dead. Israeli police are searching for the others.
Although US Press is reporting differently, Israeli reports(both Y'net and Jerusalem Post) are that a student at the school capped one of the terrorists... Says he dropped him with his pistol with two shots to the head! From YNet-
During the attack, terrorists also opened up on rescue workers responding to the scene. There where 80 or so gathered in the dining hall where the attack occured.“We realized something happened so I cocked my handgun,” Yitzhak Dadon told Ynet Thursday evening.
“I went up on the roof and waited for the terrorist. Meanwhile, I saw blood and shattered glass,” Dadon said. “The terrorist continue firing in the air, so I waited to see him again, and then I shot him twice in the head.”
Of course, there was rejoicing in Gaza over the attacks.
This whole situation leads me to wonder how much worse this situation could have been. This situation is NO DIFFERENT than the campus shootings that we have seen in the US- except for ONE BIG FACTOR.
The School was not in a "[Law Abiding Citizens Only] Gun Free Zone." The liberals who come up with these "Gun Free" areas are perhaps the craziest people on the planet. These Liberals need to get a clue-- BAD GUYS DON'T CARE IF YOU SAY THIS IS A GUN FREE AREA! The ONLY people who will not carry a firearm in a gun free zone are law abiding citizens.
Yes, this is a tragedy, but it could have been MUCH worse. However, a STUDENT who was armed capped a terrorist. Maybe US Colleges can learn from this.
One last thought-- I wonder what pistol the student was using? I am sure it was one that was Made in Israel-- Probably the same one that is sold in the US as the Baby Eagle from Magnum Research... Maybe MR should adopt the slogan, "Baby Eagle- Made in Israel by Israeli Weapon Industries- Combat Tested....Daily"
If anyone is wondering, I have been wanting the Baby Eagle in .45 ACP to use as my carry weapon.
More Coverage:
The Jawa Report- Who always has exceptional coverage and discussion of stopping terrorists
Israelly Cool- Who has been live blogging the events of today as they unfold.

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