We are now deep into January 2024, and it is time for me to get off the bench.
It is no secret that I have always posted about politics, and I have always shared my opinions. That will not stop. With New Hampshire’s primary days away, I am compelled to give my opinion.
Former President Donald Trump MUST NOT be the Republican Nominee for President.
I was against then candidate Trump in the 2016 primaries and in the general election, I voted AGAINST Secretary of State Clinton, more than I voted in favor of President Trump. I was hopeful that President Trump would grow into the job. But I became gravely concerned as the obnoxious Tweeting continued and for the first time we had a President who in no way, shape or form brought any dignity to the office and whose “policy by tweeting” caused untold damage to foreign policy and our relationships with our allies.
Like MANY Republicans in Arizona, I refused to vote for President Trump in 2020 despite the consequences of putting President Biden into office. I believe that President Biden was the lesser of two evils and therefore I voted for the Libertarian candidate.
For the first time since at least 1964, no one in our family (with the exception of my dad, who would die of complications of dementia less than 50 days of the election) voted for the Republican presidential candidate. I was grateful that Dad did not live to see the abomination that was January 6, 2021.
The time has come for Republicans to make a choice. We can return to being the Party of Ronald Reagan and Abraham Lincoln or we can destroy the party with anarchy and chaos.
It is time for Republicans to get behind Ambassador Nikki Haley. It is time for the Grand Ole’ Party to nominate our First Woman Candidate for President and first Asian Candidate. Ambassador Haley IS a Republican in the mold of the Republican “greats of old.” Governor DeSantis’ campaign has imploded. He is polling in single digits in New Hampshire and South Carolina. As of this mornings polls in New Hampshire, Ambassador Haley is tied/within the margin with President Trump. She is the former Governor of South Carolina. She is beating President Biden in head to head polling.
Republicans need to make a choice. A primary vote for President Trump is a General Election vote FOR President Biden.
President Trump got one thing partially right after the 2020 elections. President Biden did not “win” the election. What President Trump did not understand- and will never understand- is that PRESIDENT TRUMP LOST THE ELECTION. Republicans did NOT vote for Biden - We voted AGAINST DONALD TRUMP- and a HUGE number of us (not to mention independents) WILL DO SO AGAIN.