However, after 42 years, this injustice was finally corrected.
This issue is one that began over 42 years ago. Three individuals were involved in a military operation of some significance. One individual was the pilot of a single seat craft, while the other two were pilot and co-pilot/gunner of the second craft. The two pilots were honored; medals were conferred. The third individual, who was in-fact a different race than the two pilots, received some honors, but no medals were awarded.
When the question of why the copilot had not been awarded a medal first came up, the General Officers involved stated there was an old order they were following that allowed them to award medals directly and immediately, in cases where the act of heroism was obvious and there would be no doubt that the Senate Committee which would eventually review the endorsement for the medal, would approve (this was an older order that had been put in place to reduce the number of medals being awarded posthumously-sometimes these men would have to wait years for the medal to be awarded due to the time it took items to work through the Senate). The General Officers argued that the pilots' actions were clear cut . The General Officers then argued that although normally the endorsement of the award of the medal would be sent to the Senate Committee for their endorsement, that committee had been dissolved, and therefore there was no one to award the medal. Therefore the award of the medal was now moot. They argued this had nothing to do with the race differences.
Fast forward 42 years. Both men the copilot flew with and fought with have since died in action. Quite literally, the copilot is perhaps the only one from the original mission left. For years he had to put up with comments that can be best worded as discriminatory because of who he is. But just before Christmas, we found out that everything changed.
General Chewbacca was finally awarded a medal for his actions at the Battle of Yavin 4. I had a chance to have a short interview with General Chewbacca.
Carden: General Chewbacca, first I want to thank you for your time. I wanted to talk to you about what some might think is a sore subject, you not being awarded a medal after the Battle of Yavin 4. What were your thoughts at the time?
General Chewbacca: Rarrr, Rarr, Grrr Rrarr! Wa, Rrra Grrr. Warrr Rrr. Gerrr Rrar Wrar Rurrr.
Carden: I definitely will agree that Luke and Han deserved the medal, but many of us felt you did as well...
General Chewbacca: Arowrk Raarghh Yawrrrk Waaaaarrk Nrawwwwk Nowrrrrragh Rawrrk Vowarrrk Narowrrr Aowwww Awwrk Growwk Vaaarrk Waaark Raarghhh
Carden: So with that, I suppose the question is what is next for you?
General Chewbacca: Nrawwwwk Nowrrrrragh Rawrrk Vowarrrk Narowrrr Aowwww Awwrk Waaaaarrk Nrawwwwk Aowwww Awwrk Rawrrk Vowarrrk Narowrrr Aowwww Awwrk Growwk
Carden: Of course, General, the issue of "body hair shaming" is one that you are uniquely qualified to address. We all wish you luck with this important issues. May the force be with you.
General Chewbacca: Waaark Growwk Varowrk Raarghh