I originally heard about this from
Digger over at Digger's Realm (which, by the way, is an OUTSTANDING source of information and views on illegal immigration, but I digress). I have beon LIVID since I read his article.
According to
The Daily Californian, the city of Berkeley, in the northern part of the Peoples Republic of California, has passed two resolutions against the US Marines.
Council members supported the two resolutions-one supporting anti-war protests and the other criticizing military recruitment practices-citing opposition to the war in Iraq, deceptive recruitment practices and the right to protest.
"By taking a stand against recruitment we are protecting the health and safety of our youth," said PhoeBe sorgen, a member of the Berkeley Peace and Justice Commission. "I see the protest as taking a proud and courageous stand."
Code Pink, a national anti-war grassroots organization, will be granted a parking spot for their regular Wednesday afternoon protests and will not need to apply for a sound permit for the next six months, under one resolution.
The other resolution more directly criticizes the presence of the center in Berkeley. The city manager was directed to send a letter to the U.S. Marine Corps saying they are "uninvited and unwelcome intruders" in the city.
In addition, the city attorney has been directed to investigate whether the city's anti-discrimination laws can be enforced at the center, based on the military's consideration of sexual orientation in hiring.
Local activists have proposed an initiative for the November 2008 elections that would require military recruiting centers to acquire a special use permit.
"The Marines ought to have better sense than to come here," [Councilmember Betty] Olds said
The Marines ought to have better sense than to come here." HOW DARE THEY. Personally I think the US Government, IN THIS CASE ONLY, should use the power of eminent domain to turn the entire city into a USMC Field Training Facility.
"The Marines ought to have better sense than to come here." As my dear friend Merry pointed out, when I told her about this, perhaps the Marines should NOT go to Berkeley the next time there is a disaster. Let Berkeley find some other means of assistance.
"The Marines ought to have better sense than to come here." Perhaps the Military should NOT go to Berkeley to defend them against terrorist attack should one happen.
"The Marines ought to have better sense than to come here." Yes, I believe in Freedom of Speech... for the INDIVIDUAL PEOPLE. THIS is a GOVERNMENT ENTITY that is committing borderline treason!
By the way... PLEASE EXCERSISE YOUR FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Call, email, and write the Berkeley Clerks office. They like Free Speech so much there that I am sure they will not mind MILLIONS of phone calls, emails and letters shutting down thier city.
Contact information for the Berkeley City Council
2180 Milvia Street, Berkeley, CA 94704 Tel: (510) 981-6900, TDD: (510) 981-6903Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., E-mail: clerk@ci.berkeley.ca.us
Michelle Malkin brings word that Senator DeMint (R-SC) will be bringing legislation to remove all federal funds and ear-marks from Berkeley and transfer those funds to the USMC budget!!!!
Call Senator DeMint and let him know you support his action!!!!

Berkeley City Council: Marines Unwelcome Intruders- UPDATED