Fred File
First Impressions:
The "pre-game" introduction really looks like "Fred Thompson, with the Seven Dwarves"
On to the Debate-
In the first question Rudy only talked about deporting illegals that "had committed a crime." Mitt smacked back hard, but Rudy accused Mitt of having illegals working in his mansion. This really turned into a cat fight. Rudy ended up being boo'd.
Senator Thompson's response to the "Will you take a pledge to veto amnesty" was brilliant, right on and to the point. Senator McCain was booed as soon as he said did not support amnesty.
Mitt is right on smacking Huckabee around for giving tax payer benefits for illegally.
Ron Paul is a nut
All the GOP Candidates did "sing to the choir" on the issue of cutting spending... Although I personally believe that McCain was part of the problem...
Senator Thompson really stepped up and grabbed the "third rail" when he answered the question on the three programs he would get rid of. He said, I will reform Social Security and Entitlements
Again Ron Paul is a nut
Senator McCain accused Ron Paul of being an Isolationist and stated that is what caused WWII.
Ok, what candidate in his RIGHT MIND is going to say ANYTHING against FARMERS four weeks before IOWA?
But wait, Rudy just implied that he might reduce subsidies....
Rudy just DENIED the Politico story-- this could be interesting tomorrow
The Thompson Video just SMACKED HARD at Mitt and the Huckabee... Mitt did give a good mea culpa on having been pro-choice though- it may actually have scored points.
Rudy Gets Boo'd again on the Second Amendment. Now of course he is backing off previous views.
Senator Thompson again shows that he is Presidential material. He nails Rudy on his Second Amendment record. His answer on Gun ownership was also perfect.
YES JOHN MCCAIN WAS IN VIETNAM ---THANKS FOR REMINDING US SENATOR ("I carried a 45 while a pilot over Vietnam")
(Pause for Cat Fight between Mit and Rudy)
Senator Thompson states Supreme Court is the number one issue before us when addressing the issue of abortion-- He is definitely correct. Getting the Court back to interpreting the Constitution instead of legislating would be incredible.
Rudy has more Waffles than a house of pancakes!!! FIRST he says States have the right to decide abortion, then he states, there should be federal penalties for violating abortion laws--- which is it Mayor??? A State issue or Federal?
Gov. Huckabee did a great job with the What would Jesus do with the death penalty question.
CNN IS WAY OUT OF LINE with some of these questions---Especially the "Do you believe EVERY word of the Bible"
On to Global Policy
How should we improve our image with the Islamic world? Rudy and the others who answered did a great job with this question.
How can you disagree with McCain on waterboarding?
Senator McCain got a bit angry on this question and really smacked Mitt around. However, I do think the Senator (McCain) did press the issue a bit too long and should have let his first answer stand.
Who will make a permanent long term military commitment to the Iraqi people?
Senator Thompson stated quite correctly that we don't know how long it will take but we should stay as long as it takes. He sounded strong and resolute and a man of his convictions.
Ron Paul is a nut
How in the WORLD can Ron Paul argue with John McCain on Vietnam? How can Ron Paul say if we left al-Qaeda alone they would leave us alone?
How does Giuliani respond to the charges that he's using 9/11 to win the White House?
Giuliani: Look at my whole record--- (wait for it-- his record is about to be an issue)
Senator Thompson shows has a great sense of humor, even self deprecating humor, when responding to a cartoon of VP Cheney with the question of should a VP have as much power as the current VP.
Senator McCain on the other-hand, kind of smacked President Bush a bit on National Security.
Gays in the Military--
Duncan Hunter headed down the "unit cohesion" path--
Mitt had to WAFFLE on the issue, based on past statements.
Senator McCain says "don't ask don't tell works"
Will You Accept the support of the LCR? (Log Cabin Republicans)
Huckabee-- I need everyones support I can get. But I will stick to my convictions. This was a good answer
What will you do to fix Social Security?
Talk about a question made for Senator Thompson. He provided a brilliant answer discussing talking entitlements.
Mitt sounds like he agrees with Senator Thompson.
Will You Send a Human to Mars by 2020 or Pledge Support of Human Exploration?
Interesting little fight on this question-- one side we need more exploration--it fosters discovery, the other we can't be everything to everyone-- we are spending too much money.
Why don't African Americans vote Republican?
(Because Rudy IMMEDIATELY starts talking about how he Reformed Welfare!!!! I was insulted)
What Does the Stars and Bars Represent? (This is a CNN Stupid Question)
Mitt alienated the entire south saying it should never be shown...He answered like a Yankee
Senator Thompson-- being from a Southern State--- did a very good job of tredding lightly on this STUPID question without calling people racists or saying the Civil War did not exist.
Rudy-- Here is what I did in the past--- a good answer
Again Ron Paul is a nut
Senator McCain did not answer the question and goes on to the line item veto which prompts an arguement on the line veto with Rudy.
Why did Giuliani root for the Red Sox?
Giuliani ---when I was mayor we won 4 series
Mit --- like most American's we hate the Yankees
Thanks to everyone who watched this live blog
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