This morning, Rassmussen released its daily tracking poll showing Obama 46% and McCain 45%.
What is important to note is this comment from Rassmussen:
Virtually all of the interviews for today’s update were completed before McCain’s speech last night. Roughly two-thirds of the interviews were completed before Palin’s speech on Wednesday night. Tracking Polls are released at 9:30 a.m.
Both Obama and McCain are now viewed favorably by 57% of the nation’s voters. However, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin is viewed favorably by 58%--a point more than either Presidential hopeful. Forty percent (40%) have a Very Favorable opinion of her.\[emphasis added]
So, in my analysis, we have Gov. Palin wiping out any bounce that Obama had from his convention with just 1/3 of the people surveyed having heard her speech! We also have no results showing from Sen. McCain's speech last evening. This will be important to remember when later today the MSM starts "implying" that McCain is still behind "after" his convention-- the results are not all in.
Ace agrees with me that the bounce is gone!

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